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December 2023

Less than 2% of graduate students and 1% of tenured faculty in Earth, atmospheric, and ocean sciences identify as Black or African American. Discussions about diversifying ocean sciences are incomplete without acknowledging the distinctive challenges faced by Black women. We present new survey data on the dominant barriers to entry within the field, which can result from racism and discrimination, financial difficulties, and lack of access. We also discuss mitigation strategies that can be employed, with the hope that the entire ocean sciences community can collaborate to foster a culture of inclusion. We cannot have a healthy ocean if we do not support everyone who wants to study it.

February 2021

In 2018, 1.4% of the US population earned a Ph.D.(US Census Bureau). When we look at the number of Ph. Ds. across all fields held by Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), we see that the percentages are very low. In 2018, 35,404 total doctorate degrees were awarded in the United States to US citizens and permanent residents (NSF, see https://ncses. nsf. gov/pubs/nsf20301/data-tables).

February 2021

If we look to the future of coral reef science and see an inclusive and diverse field where researchers from a variety of disciplines are widely engaged with the community at large, it will herald the success of the issues discussed thus far in this series of essays (Cziesielski et al. 2021; Love et al. 2021; Nowakowski et al. 2021; Wilkins et al. 2021). 

February 2021

The narrative that scientific advancement requires effort from one dedicated individual, the “mad” scientist cutoff from the help of others, is being replaced by new generations of scientists. This new wave of scientists is adept in communication, cooperation, and allocation of unique skills to solve a unified problem. 

February 2021

Coral reef ecosystems face a number of local threats, including increasing human populations, coastal development, fisheries, and pollution, which cause severe destruction on reefs, while global anthropogenic climate change is altering the environment of coral habitats. Due to these stressors, there is a crucial need to reevaluate and implement effective management practices to protect coral reefs immediately and in the long term.

February 2021

From Australia’s Great Barrier Reef to the Caribbean islands, the message is clear: coral reefs are struggling. Many that have dedicated their lives to these ecosystems are seeing them vanish in front of their eyes. Coral reef scientists wake up to this reality every day and have been waking up to this reality for a long time! 

February 2021

There is hope for coral reefs and communicating excitement around coral reef research and discoveries is a key opportunity to grow it. Amidst the trawling scars and gear tangles on the Northwestern Hawaiian Ridge and Emperor Seamounts, researchers have identified signs of coral recovery since protection measures were expanded 30–40 years ago (Baco et al. 2019). It is expected that coral ecosystems will take centuries or more to recover from anthropogenic influence, and the discovery that improvements can be seen in decades is reason to celebrate.

November 2020

With the ever‐changing advances in the aquatic sciences, more efficient coordination of projects and cooperation between scientists in different countries is needed. The inclusion of scientists across the globe to solve complex ecosystem questions requires effective international collaborations across disciplines. One way to advance this process is through international research collaborations (IRCs) which include the next generation of scientists: graduate students.

August 2020

International research collaborations are usually partnerships between people working on a single, common goal research project in different countries. However, what about international research collaborations that emerge abroad but among people from the same country? Through our shared experiences, we challenge the traditional definition of international research collaborations by starting a collaboration abroad between colleagues from the same home-institution country and exchange program: Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography: Limnology and Oceanography Research Exchange (LOREX). 

July 2020

Shifts in the composition of terrestrial plant communities could have significant effects on freshwater zooplankton due to changes in the quality of inputs of terrestrially derived dissolved organic matter (DOM). Leachate from native red maple (RM) and invasive Amur honeysuckle (AH) were used to explore the effects of DOM source on survival and growth of juvenile Daphnia ambigua. Prior research with both terrestrial and aquatic organisms indicates that AH-derived DOM has negative effects. Comparing bioassays in the presence and absence of algae with no additional DOM, RM- or AH-derived DOM, RM had stronger negative effects on both Daphnia survival and growth while AH only decreased growth. The negative effects seen in the presence and absence of algae provided evidence for both indirect and direct effects due to phytotoxicity and plant secondary compounds, respectively. 

June 2020

Increases in dissolved organic matter and the consequent “browning” of some lakes in recent decades are reducing water transparency to both ultraviolet and photosynthetically active radiation with important, but poorly understood ecosystem-level consequences for zooplankton grazers. The prevailing resource-based unimodal hypothesis posits that nutrients in dissolved organic matter stimulate primary production in clear-water lakes, while shading by dissolved organic matter inhibits primary production in browner lakes, with zooplankton responses following the patterns of their food resources. Support for this hypothesis derives primarily from short-term experiments, space-for-time analyses, and modeling studies.

August 2019

International research is necessary in aquatic sciences because water moves across borders. Historically, international collaborations have been useful in conducting oceanographic research programs, which span large distances and require several funding sources. Although valuable, international research can have unforeseen challenges to the unprepared researcher. Communication with an international collaborator and professional development training can mitigate these pitfalls. 

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